Category: Waste-Away Group

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Think One Time Doesn’t Matter?....Think Again.

We’ve talked about throwing trash into the landfill.  We’ve talked about recycling.  But what do we do with items that we don’t put in either place? Toss it out the window?  Throw it on the sidewalk?  Well, “75% of Americans Admit to Littering within the last 5 years.”*  The fact that 3 out of 4 people admitted to doing something my 4-year old knows not to do is very alarming.

Have You Heard of the Garbage Barge?

We’ve all heard of recycling in one context or another, but not many of us really know what spurred on this environment saver.  On March 22, 1987, “it started when the Long Island town of Islip, overcome by its own refuse, shipped 3,168 tons of it down the Atlantic coast, with a plan to dump it in some farmers’ backyards. But North Carolina turned the barge away, as did Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Florida; Mexico and Belize sent out their militaries to keep the barge offshore. The barge returned and spent the summer stinking up New York Harbor.... Six months after its sorry tale began, the barge finally unloaded at a Brooklyn incinerator. The story turns uplifting only after it ends: the incessant news coverage helped inspire Americans to pay more attention to their trash, ushering in the recycling era.”* 

Does Business Have a Civic Responsibility Today?

The real question is this….in very competitive and ever-changing times, is today’s business expected
to have an attitude of civic governance and social participation, especially when the economic climate
exists as it does right now? Hopefully, the answer still is, “Yes, if at all possible.”

Don't Myth an Opportunity....Dispelling Myths Before Opportunities Pass You By

With so much information on recycling available at the touch of a button, some of it being erroneous, it’s no wonder that myths come about.  Once these myths circulate for so long, they tend to become viewed as reality.  Between these myths and excuses for not recycling, they drag down the number of households participating in a recycling program.

Our Customer Support Rules.....and Suggestions For the Ultimate Customer Service Experience

On a day like any other day in Customer Support, a co-worker took a call from a potential customer who eventually signed up for new residential trash service with Borden Waste-Away.  She ultimately called three times that day; once to ask questions and inquire about service options, once to tell us of her decision to sign up for service, and a final time to ask a couple forgotten questions about the service she had chosen.  During the third conversation with one of our Customer Support Representatives (CSR), she asked, “Do you know why I went with your service”? The CSR paused for a moment and she plainly stated...”Because I made 9 phone calls to different companies today and you are the only one who answered the phone.  I called you 3 times, and every time someone answered the phone”.  Our CSR went on to explain that, as long as it is during our business hours, you will always reach a live person.

Livin' La Vida Local

Have you ever heard the sayings, “Think Global-Act Local” or “Buy Local-Be Local”?.  How about the newly-coined term “Livin’ La Vida LocalTM? These sayings, although some of them cliche, pack more of a punch than we realize.  Local economy is driven, survives, and thrives if we feed it through purchases we make for goods and services.  The spending decisions we make every day can literally control local economy in a way some of us have never imagined. In fact, “if half the employed population spent $50 each month in locally owned independent businesses, it would generate more than $42.6 billion in revenue”* 

City of Warsaw, Indiana Awards Residential Recycling Collection Agreement to Borden Waste-Away Group

City of Warsaw, Indiana Awards Residential Recycling Collection Agreement to Borden Waste-Away Group Borden Waste-Away Awarded City of Warsaw Indiana Recycling Collection Contract Beginning January 1, 2011. WARSAW, IN (D...

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The Pink Cart

To help kick off our Pink Cart program, all drivers are wearing pink today.  Real men do wear pink!

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Welcome to the New Waste Away Group Website

Welcome to the Waste Away Group website

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