How has COVID-19 affected trash and recycling?

If you or someone in your household has COVID-19, most commonly known as the coronavirus, are there any precautions you need to take when disposing of trash that has come in contact with the infected person? Not necessarily.

COVID-19 is spread though droplets of saliva either coughed or sneezed into the air. It’s also thought that an object that these droplets landed on carries the virus for an unknown period of time.  Someone would have to touch the infected surface then touch their eyes, nose or mouth. This is highly unlikely with trash and recycling collectors.

Luckily in today’s modern age of electronics, trash and recycling trucks are fully automated to allow drivers to stay n their trucks for safety. Safe from being out of their vehicles where passersby could hit them, but safe from handling dangerous or infected material of any kind, regardless of the spread of the coronavirus.

Trash and recycling drivers do have a higher risk of becoming infected with the coronavirus or other viral or bacterial infections since they sometimes have to touch trash and trash bags, but the majority of the time they stay in their trucks and use the technology afforded them to stay safe in all regards.

If you have trash or recycling items from an infected person, simply dispose of them or recycle them as you usually would. Trash and recycling drivers are specially trained in hazardous waste collection and how to keep themselves safe.

During this time of uncertainty, rest assured that Borden is here to help you dispose of your trash and is still processing recyclables while keeping workers safe.

For more information on trash and recycling visit

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