How Many Times Can Aluminum be Recycled?

The aluminum can recycling rate has risen in the past decade which means that America sees the aluminum can as a more obvious item to recycle. States with container deposit laws contribute to these high recycling figures, as well.

Aluminum cans are recycled more readily and more frequently than any other beverage packaging type.

According to Alcoa, the world's third largest producer of aluminum, the aluminum can is infinitely recyclable. That means it can be used, recycled, and turned back into a new can endlessly. In fact, it can be recycled and back on the store shelf as a new beverage can in less than 60 days.

Obviously, keeping recyclable material out of the landfill is one of their main goals.  Please do your part and throw all of your aluminum cans into your recycling bin.

For more information on recyclables visit

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