Recycling Education Program

What is the Feet on the Street ("FOTS") Recycling Educational Campaign?

Borden Waste-Away is directing a countywide initiative to correct poor recycling behaviors throughout St. Joseph County. A team of 6 individuals will be inspecting carts at the curb on the corresponding service days. The inspectors will be looking to notify customers of Non-recyclable items in the recycling cart that should not be in there, such as bagged recycling, bags/film, food waste, clothing, and large bulky items.

The inspector will notify the resident by issuing an “Oops Tag,” which will service to notify the household of the specify non-recyclable item found and to correct it moving forward. This approach will provide helpful curbside recycling education and feedback.

Why are we implementing the Feet on the Street campaign?

The FOTS campaign is a compelling educational strategy to improve curbside recycling habits. In relation to other municipalities across the United States, high contamination rates interfere with citywide waste diversion goals. Ultimately, sustaining an effective recycling program will keep valuable commodities in the economy.     

When does the Feet on the Street campaign start?

With the help of six dedicated team members, FOTS launches in early June. Inspectors will follow recycling routes for eight consecutive weeks. With over 50,000 participating homes across the County, the team aims to correct as many household carts as possible.

Recycling Education Program

How will local residents be involved?

The group of inspectors will assess carts for contamination and provide direct feedback to residents in the form of an “Oops” tag. Oops tags will clarify which specific items are not approved for recycling, while outlining what to recycle on the other side of the tag. Residents that have acceptable materials will not be tagged. Essentially, all carts will be serviced on their assigned day, but the tags will serve as positive reinforcements to correct recycling practices before the next pickup.

In addition, there are signs available for residents that are advocates for recycling. The signs emphasizes “This House Recycles!” The other side of the sign identifies the basic Recyclables we expect all residents to recycle, Cardboard, Milk jugs(#2), Detergent bottles (#2), paper and newspaper, cans and tin, Water Bottles (#1), and Glass.

What are the steps to follow when receive an “Oops” tag?

If you receive an Oops tag, simply take note of the materials that were marked. Flip the tag over, and place that on your refrigerator to remind you what IS recyclable. The tag encourages residents to correct their behaviors before the next service day.

Click Here to review both sides of the Oops Tag!

If you have any further questions on recycling, please contact Borden Waste-Away at (800) 386-3313.

What items belong in the recycling cart?

Flattened carboard, all paper, cans and tin, plastic bottles and jugs are to be loosely placed in the recycling cart. Please leave these materials unbagged, empty, and free of residue.

What outcomes are expected from the campaign?

The ultimate goal of FOTS is to reduce contamination of curbside recycling, while increase participation from residential consumers. With a collective community effort, it will ultimately reduce the amount of Non-recyclable waste sent to the recycling facility. Recycling Works will be able to optimize and enhance the material they process to ship to neighboring states and end-users. The mission behind FOTS is to strengthen the level of recycling education throughout the Michiana area.

Click Here to learn more about Recycling 101!