Author: Waste Away Group

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Food Recycling, Revisited

With a stocked, or semi-stocked, pantry in your home, you probably have a handful of items that you just keep pushing out of the way to get to the cans or boxes that you want. Maybe these items were supposed to go into a recipe that you never made, or perhaps you bought too many and ended up with some you weren’t going to use. Many of us have extra non-perishable food items in our homes that we could easily part with and don’t think much of it, but with a 16% hunger rate in Northern Indiana alone, we hold a veritable goldmine!

Modern Landfills Replace Open Dumps. Landfills vs Open Dumps, part 2

A landfill is a large area of land or an excavated site that is specifically designed and built to

receive wastes. The volume of waste consumers and businesses throw out increases when the economy is doing well. When the economy is stagnant, volume decreases. Garbage volumes rose sharply in 2013 indicating that the economy is improving.

Open Dumps...A Thing of the Past. Landfills vs Open Dumps, part 1

When you think of a landfill, does it conjure up an image of a big hole in the ground with trash in it that gets covered with dirt every once in a while? Studies show that when asked what a landfill is, this is a close depiction of several answers given. In reality, Federal guidelines have made modern landfills an intricate layering system that puts “open dumps” to shame and will keep them a thing of the past.

Recycling Food? It’s Not as Unusual as You Think

As stated in previous articles, when we discuss recycling, we often think of plastics, aluminum, glass, paper, cardboard, and similar commodities. What about another item commonly thrown away? Food. “Recycling” food seems a little unsettling, but composting is a recycling of sorts.

The “Why” Revisited

We hear that we should recycle everything we can anytime we can.  We should recycle plastic.  We should recycle paper. We hear it on television, on the radio, at work, at school… get the idea. The fact that we should recycle is clear. Why we should recycle is something altogether different. This may be what we need to be reminded.

Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling Redone

Recycling companies often talk a lot about...well…..recycling.  What is unfortunately allowed to hang back in the shadows are the other 2 “Rs”.  Reducing and Reusing are such an integral part of the recycling process that they should always remain in the forefront.

"Do You Have "Recycling Bias"?

The term “Recycling Bias” refers to the propensity of people to throw larger or full sheets of paper into the recycling bin while bits and scraps of paper went into the trash.  The same was found to be true of crushed cans or plastic bottles. Empty but intact cans or bottles went into the recycling bin while their crushed or dented counterparts were destined for the landfill.

Waste-Away Group.....Good Call!

Waste-Away Group is a local, family owned company comprised of smaller subsidiary companies. These companies together create a synergy unparalleled by any other waste removal company in the region.

Mandatory, Maybe....Necessary, Definitely

Recycling to some people seems like a no-brainer and a civic responsibility. Easy. Convenient. Sensible. Even more positive adjectives can be listed here…..but not for everybody.  As unusual as it may be, some people are not in favor of recycling at all.  Bring in the idea of recycling being mandatory, and you’ve got yourself a debate.


Redoit To It

When the term “Recycling” is used, we generally think of plastics and aluminum being melted down and used to manufacture new items.  But let’s not forget that recycling is also cycling used items through new people making that item them!

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