Tag: waste-away-group-open-dumps-landfills

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Modern Landfills Replace Open Dumps. Landfills vs Open Dumps, part 2

A landfill is a large area of land or an excavated site that is specifically designed and built to

receive wastes. The volume of waste consumers and businesses throw out increases when the economy is doing well. When the economy is stagnant, volume decreases. Garbage volumes rose sharply in 2013 indicating that the economy is improving.

Open Dumps...A Thing of the Past. Landfills vs Open Dumps, part 1

When you think of a landfill, does it conjure up an image of a big hole in the ground with trash in it that gets covered with dirt every once in a while? Studies show that when asked what a landfill is, this is a close depiction of several answers given. In reality, Federal guidelines have made modern landfills an intricate layering system that puts “open dumps” to shame and will keep them a thing of the past.

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