Tag: old

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Can I Recycle Crayons?

What’s better than a refrigerator absolutely covered with pictures colored by our kids or grandkids?  The smell of crayons alone takes me back to being a kid.  It seems like every family goes through literally boxes of crayons and an equal amount of coloring books.  What should be done with crayons when they’re too small to color with?

Recycling Old Tires

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Americans wear out about 290 million tires a year, and recycle 233 million of them. This number is actually astonishing and lands way above the recycling rate for some items that we would think would be recycled at a far higher rate.

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Recycling Old Books

When we think of being done with a book, we usually think of giving it to a friend or dropping it off at a donation site.  Sometimes, however, it becomes necessary to be done with it entirely and dispose of it.  But where does this type of item go?

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